Few people have booked a magician before so below are a few tips that you may find helpful:
There are lots of magicians around today some professional, others doing it for a hobby see my comments in prices.
Look to see if the magician is a menber of The Magic Circle, its a good start. To be a member they have to be of a certain standard.
Check out pictures anyone out there performing regularly should have plenty of pictures even videos.
Chat to the magician on the phone don’t be afraid to ask about his experience and his credentials.
Decide how, where, you would like to use the magician.
Walk about Magic, Mix and Mingle Magic
This type of performance is common during drinks receptions as guests arrive strolling from group to group.
Great as an ice breaker getting people chatting etc.
Table Magic
Performing around the tables during the meal (between courses). Normally I would be booked to do both this and the above option at the same event.
Cabaret Stage Magic
this is normally an extra option, A 10 – 40mins Act with lots of audience participation and mind boggling magic. Perfect after dinner entertainment